From ‘Bad Seeds’ to Harvey Beaks!

A new animated series of unlikely friendship is coming to Nickelodeon March 29, and I am both curious and excited because the creator is none other than Cartoon Network’s Chowder fame, C.H. Greenblatt.

Twice I encountered promos for Harvey Beaks. After seeing characters Fee and Foo, I was reminded of Panini from Chowder. I quickly Googled to discover if Greenblatt was in fact behind it. Much to my relief that is the case. The name Harvey Beaks was a little foreign because in the past it was plugged under the name Bad Seeds, trademark issues led to this change.
I wrote a post last year bemoaning the fact that Nickelodeon had been lacking in having quality series as part of their regular programming. It seems they may have been waiting until 2015 to start changing. Being a longtime fan of Chowder, I have reasonable expectations, but will keep my mind open since it looks like the tone and desired audience is that of a younger age group than, arguably, Chowder was. I hope this show will be a catalyst in bringing something fresh to Nick’ and getting them to reconnect with their 90s selves as both innovators and promoters of animation.

For a glimpse of 24 beautiful Harvey Beaks’ backgrounds, and more info on the art department, check out the Cartoon Brew link.

Don’t forget to tune in or set your DVRs to meet Harvey Beaks 3/29 at 7 p.m. (ET/PT) (6 p.m. CT)

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